
Lunch and tea are cooked freshly on the premises by our dedicated chef. We provide pure vegetarian food and focus on a Sattvic Diet. Further information on Sattvic Diet can be found here.

Providing children with a balanced, nutritious diet ensures they develop and grow healthy. We aim to provide fresh balanced meals, which also meet the sattvic vegetarian diet at each meal or snack time.

  • Fresh water is available to the children
  • Breakfast consists of a cereals and wholemeal toast/crumpets and fruit
  • Mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks consist of fruits, breadsticks and crackers
  • Lunch is always balanced and cooked freshly on the premises by our dedicated nursery chef.
  • Tea is fresh, wholesome and balanced

Copies of our example menus are available here.

We also observe Ekadashi. Further information on this can be found here.